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Project Overview

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Our Projects

Detection and Analysis of Calcifications in Breast Mamographies (Z. Wang)

Breast Calcifications

Circardian Rhythm in Neuron Cells

Fluorescence signal in neuron cells in the region of the brain responsible for circadian regulation



Projects of Personal Interest

Running Analysis from Video

The idea would be to quantify body movement in videos of people running (head, legs, arms, hips) in order to start to classify different types of runners and ultimately provide feedback. Ideally the work could be transformed into an app on the phone and used by runners everywhere. The idea could also be applied to different sports and physical events.



Kaggle Projects

Right Whale Identification

Currently, only a handful of very experienced researchers can identify individual whales on sight while out on the water. For the majority of researchers, identifying individual whales takes time, making it difficult to effectively target whales for biological samples, acoustic recordings, and necessary health assessments.

Example whale image to identify: Whale

Heart Ejection Fraction from MRI: Data Science Bowl

The goal is to automatically measure the ejection fraction of a heart using 4D (3D + time) images of the heart. There are over 17GB of images to analyze and a few hints on the forums on how to use analytical (Fourier method) and Deep Learning approaches.

MRI Segmentation


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Digit Recognizer

(Image borrowed from: Andrej Karpathy, Digits