Weekly Plan
20th February - Introduction and Workflows
- Slides (static)
Lecture Handout
Lecture Videos
- Part 1
- Part 2
- Getting started with python for image processing
- Getting Started with KNIME
Supporting material for the exercises
- Introduction to Python and Jupyter for Data-Science
27th February - Image Enhancement
- Slides on non-local means (static)
Lecture Handout
- There was a recording problem on this lecture, the 2018 Lecture Video (A. Kaestner) can be used as substitute.
5th March - Ground Truth: Building and Augmenting Datasets
Lecture Videos
12th March - Basic Segmentation, Discrete Binary Structures
- Part 1: Slides (static)
Lecture Handout
- Part 2: Slides (static)
Lecture Handout
Lecture videos
19th March - Advanced Segmentation
Part 1: Advanced segmentation Slides (static)
Lecture Handout
Part 2: Supervised segmentation Slides (static)
Lecture Handout
Lecture Videos
26th March - Analyzing Single Objects, Shape and Texture
Part 1: Slides (static)
Part 2: Slides (static)
Lecture videos
2th April - Analyzing Complex Objects
#### Lecture videos
9th April - Dynamic Experiments
Lecture videos
16th April - Easter break
23rd April - Statistics, Prediction, and Reproducibility
Lecture videos
C. Elegans Dataset on Kaggle R Notebook or Python Notebook
Will come later in python once we know more about Pandas: KNIME Exercises
30th April - Imaging with multiple modalities
Lecture videos
7th May - Scaling Up / Big Data
Lecture videos
- Kaggle DAG Notebook for Filtering with Tensorflow, this a walk-through exercise. You can play with the number of iterations in the last part to see if there is data transfer bottle neck for GPU compared to CPU.
- Block-based 3D Image Analysis in Dask
14th May - Project Presentations
| Presenter(s) | Title. | Recording OK | | ————- | ————- |————–| | Cameron Bogon | Analysing Bacteria patterned on surfaces | yes | | Yves Haag, Nemanja Kostic and Tobias Stauffer| Segmentation method to detect microcalcifications | yes | | Jack Kendall| Identification of Distal Radius Fractures using Time-Lapse HR-pQCT Imaging | yes| | Alix Pham, Eylül Ceylan, and Lucien Stöcklin| Cardiomyocyte Segmentation and Morphological Analysis |yes| | Christoph Gäbelein | QBI of Bacteria | yes | | Richardo Carreon Ruiz | 2D Mapping of Ionic Transport in Lithium-ion Batteries: In-situ Quantification | no |